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Skidmore College
Biology Department

David DomozychDavid Domozych

Professor of Biology and
Director of the Skidmore Microscopy Imaging Center

Department of Biology - CIS 110E
Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, NY  12866
Telephone: 518-580-5075
Fax: 518-580-5071
E-mail: ddomoz@skidmore.edu 
Research page

Other Positions Held:

  • 2011, Visiting Scientist, National University of Ireland, Galway.
  • 1989-1990, Visiting Scientist, John Innes Institute, Norwich England.
  • 1997-1998, Visiting Professor, Section of Plant Biology, Cornell University.

Courses Taught at Skidmore:

  • Molecular and Cellular Foundations of Life (BI 107)
  • Plant Biology (BI 237)
  • Biological Electron Microscopy (BI 311)
  • Plant Biochemistry and Physiology (BI 337)
  • Plant Biotechnology (BI 338)
  • Advanced Light Microscopy (BI 362)

Research Interests:

David Domozych is a plant cell biologist who studies the evolution of cell walls and their biosynthesis in plants. He is interested in the biochemistry and cell biology of cell wall polymers and other components of the extracellular matrix of the basal Streptophyta or charophytes, i.e., the extant group of green algae whose ancestors are the basal stock from which land plants evolved. Dr. Domozych's primary research tools include light, microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy and electron microscopy, immunocytochemistry, and multiple biochemical methodologies. His main subject of study is the model unicellular streptophyte, Penium margaritaceum. Currently, his research work is involved in answering questions such as:

  • How do different cell wall polymers function during cell development? How do pectins and arabinogalactan proteins of the cell wall interact during cell expansion?
  • How are various wall polymers processed in the plant Golgi Apparatus, packaged in specific vesicle types and transported to the cell surface? What are the molecular controls and signal transduction components of plant cell wall synthesis and secretion?
  • What are the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of streptophyte algae? How are they produced and what are their functions?

He is also interested in the structural architecture and biosynthesis of the extracellular matrix of tomatoes, the development of root hairs in Arabidopsis and the molecular components/dynamics of the endomembrane system and secretory apparatus of plants.

Dr. Domozych's work has recently been sponsored by grants from the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Molecular and Cell Biology Program, NSF Integrated Organismal Systems and NSF Major Instrumentation Programs. Many students participate in his research program both during the academic year and summer.

Visit us here for recent publications

Grants received:

  • NSF MCB 2129443: Spatiotemporal mapping of the membrane trafficking networks involved in secretion and autophagy in the unicellular zygnematophyte, Penium margaritaceum; 09/01/2021-07/31/2004; $573,372.00.

  • NSF MRI 1828508: Acquisition of a Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope and Energy Dispersive Spectrometry Attachment for High Resolution Imaging at Skidmore College; 10/01/2018- 9/30/2022; $621,026

  • NSF MCB 1517345: Collaborative Research: Invasion of land: Using model charophyte Penium margaritaceum to elucidate subcellular responses to stress that were key in the evolution of land plants. 07/15/2015-03/15/2019; $382,669.
  • NSF MRI 1337280: Acquisition of a confocal laser scanning microscope for research in the life sciences at Skidmore College; 09/01/2013-08/31/2016; $478,730.00.
  • NSF MCB 1009978: The cell biology of pectin dynamics in the Charophycean Green Algae: Homogalacturonan secretion in the model organism, Penium margaritaceum; 02/10/2010-09/30/2012; $232,000.
  • NSF MRI 0922805: MRI: Acquisition of a Libra 120 transmission electron microscope for research enhancement at Skidmore College. 01/01/2010- 12/31/2013; $721,046.00.
  • NSF MRI 0959476: MRI-R2: From Molecules to Ecosystems: Establishment of the Skidmore Analytical Interdisciplinary Laboratory (SAIL); 01/01/2010- 12/31/2014; $557,755.00.

Research Collaborators from around the world:

  • Dr. Zoe Popper, National University of Ireland
  • Drs. Jocelyn Rose and Iben Sorensen, Cornell University
  • Dr. William Willats, University of Newcastle
  • Dr, Georgia Drakakaki, University of California at Davis
  • Dr. Mary Tierney, University of Vermont
