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Skidmore College
Committees at Skidmore College
This committee is no longer a functioning committee.

Campus Environment Committee


2012 Mark Huibregtse, Mathematics & Computer Science, Chair F'11 (LV S'12)
2014 Yvette Cortes, Library
2014 Monica Raveret Richter, Biology
2012 Carol Schnitzer, Purchasing, admin/prof rep
2012 Dan Rodecker, Facilities Services, admin/prof rep
2012 Mike Hall, Financial Planning
2012 John Sanders, IT Technology rep (regular guest)
  TBD-Chair from IPPC (appointed by President)
2012 TBD - SGA senator, student rep
  Maggie Andreoni '13 student rep


2011 Mary Lynn, American Studies
2012 Mark Huibregtse, Mathematics & Computer Science                            
2013 TBD - faculty  (Natural Sciences)
2010 Carol Schnitzer, Purchasing, admin/prof rep
2010 Dan Rodecker, Facilities Services, admin/prof rep
2011 Mike Hall, Financial Planning
2011 John Sanders, IT Technology rep (regular guest)
  TBD-Chair from IPPC (appointed by President)
2011 TBD - SGA senator, student rep
  TBD - student rep


2010 Kim Marsella, Geosciences (Natural Sciences), Chair (appt from IPPC)
2011 Mary Lynn, American Studies
2012 Mark Huibregtse, Mathematics & Computer Science
2010 Carol Schnitzer, Purchasing, admin/prof rep
2010 Dan Rodecker, Facilities Services, admin/prof rep                                
2011 Mike Hall, Financial Planning
2011 John Sanders, IT Technology rep (regular guest)
2010 TBD - SGA senator, student rep
  TBD - student rep


Function:  To review and recommend environmental policies and procedures in such areas as waste management, purchasing, recycling, energy use, water and air quality.

2009 Robert Jones, Economics
2010 Kim Marsella, Geosciences, Co-Chair (F'08)                                       
2010 Carol Schnitzer, Purchasing, Admin/Prof Rep
2010 Dan Rodecker, Facilities Services, Admin/Prof Rep
2011 Mary Lynn, American Studies
2011 Mike Hall, Financial Planning
2011 John Sanders, IT Rep
2011 Erica Fuller, Co-Chair (S'09)
2009 Dawn Harfman '10, Student Rep
  Andy Setwin '11, SGA Senator


  TBA - admin/prof rep
  TBA - admin/prof rep
  Matt Baker, Director, Facilities Services, (ex-officio)                                        
  Robert Jones, Economics
  Kim Marsella, Geosciences
  Sue Van Hook, Biology, science fac rep
2008 Cassie Arnold '10, student rep
  TBA - SGA Senator-at-Large to be appointed F'07


  TBA - admin/prof rep
  TBA - admin/prof rep
  Matt Baker, Director, Facilities Services, (ex-officio)
2007 Robert Jones, Economics
2007 Kim Marsella, Geosciences
2007 Sue Van Hook, Biology, science fac rep                                                                
2007 Heather Moore '08
  Lindsay Bourgione '09


2006 Beth Brucker-Kane, Special Programs, admin/prof rep                         
2006 Sue Rosenberg, College Relations, admin/prof rep
  Matt Baker, Director, Facilities Services, (ex-officio)
2007 Robert Jones, Economics
2007 Kim Marsella, Geosciences
2007 Sue Van Hook, Biology, science fac rep
  Heather Moore '08


2006 Beth Brucker-Kane, Special Programs, admin/prof rep                                                   
2006 Sue Rosenberg, College Relations, admin/prof rep
  TBA, Director, Facilities Services, (ex-officio)
2006 Bill Lewis, Philosophy & Religion, IPC faculty rep
2006  Sue Van Hook, Biology, science fac rep
  Rebecca DiSciacca '05
  Jonathan Greene '07


2004 Beth Brucker-Kane, Special Programs, admin rep
200X TBA-Admin/Prof
200X TBA-Admin/Prof
  Mark Struss, Director, Facilities Services, (ex-officio)                                      
200X TBA-IPC rep
  Mischa Salkind-Pearl '06
  Ted Cavan '06


2004 Beth Brucker-Kane, Special Programs, admin rep
2003 Sue Rosenberg, College Relations, Chair
2003 Susan Van Hook, Biology
  Mark Struss, Director, Facilities Services, (ex-officio)                                 
2003 Mary Crone, IPC rep
  Phoebe Kittredge '04
  Jon Schatz '03