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Skidmore College
Committees at Skidmore College
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Periclean Honors Society Executive Committee


       Michael Arnush, Classics, Chair
  Beau Breslin, Assistant Dean of Faculty, Director FYE           
  Janet Sorensen, Art
  Aiwu Zhao, Management & Business
  TBD - Honors Forum member
  TBD - student rep


  Michael Arnush, Classics, Chair
  Beau Breslin, Assistant Dean of Faculty, Director FYE
  Janet Sorensen, Art
  Aiwu Zhao, Management & Business
  Sarah Minney '13, Honors Forum member
  Patty Sheehan '11, Neuroscience major


    Hugh Foley, Psychology
  Jim Kennelly, Management & Business
  Beau Breslin, Director of First Year Experience
  Michael Marx, English
  Natalie Taylor, Government
  TBD - President Periclean
  TBD - Secretary-Treasurer


  Hugh Foley, Psychology
  Jim Kennelly, UWW
  TBA - Dean of Studies
  Michael Marx, English
  Natalie Taylor, Government (LV 07-08)
  Eric Jenks '08, President Periclean
   Jennifer Jaw '08, Secretary-Treasurer


   Pat Hilleren, Biology
  Mary Stange, Philosophy & Religion
  Natalie Taylor, Government
     Tina Levith, Associate Director, Office of Dean of Studies
  TBA - President, Periclean
  TBA - VP, Periclean
  TBA - Secretary-Treasurer, Periclean


   Pat Hilleren, Biology
  Jennifer Delton, History
      Mary Stange, Philosophy & Religion
  Margo Mensing, Art & Art History
  Tina Levith, Associate Director, Office of Dean of Studies
  Anna Raup-Kounovsky '06, President, Periclean
  Rose Barham ''06, VP, Periclean
  Sara Wilkinson '06, Secretary-Treasurer, Periclean


2003-05 Beau Breslin, Government and Society & Law
2004-06 Jennifer Delton, History
2003-05 Steven Frey, Chemistry
2004-06 Margo Mensing, Art & Art History
  Tina Levith, Associate Director, Dean of Studies Office                                                                                 
  Alyssa Garvin '05, President, Periclean
  Joan Hodges '05, VP, Periclean
  Steve Yaeger '05, Secretary-Treasurer, Periclean


      Beau Breslin, Government
  Steven Frey, Chemistry
  Tad Kuroda, History
  Lary Opitz, Theater
  Tina Levith, Associate Director, Office of Dean of Studies
  Evan Flath '04 President, Periclean
  Rebecca Bilbro '04 VP, Periclean
  Sarah States '04 Secretary-Treasurer, Periclean


  Leslie Mechem, Classics
    Mehmet Odekon, Economics                     
  Mary Ann Foley, Psychology
  Lary Opitz, Theater (on leave S'03)
  Tina Levith, Associate Director, Office of Dean of Studies
     Charles Joseph, Music (Associate Dean of the Faculty)
  TBA, President, Periclean
  TBA, VP, Periclean
  TBA, Secretary-Treasurer, Periclean