Sample of Courses Contributing to Goal II of the Strategic Plan
The following list is a sample of the courses in Skidmore's curriculum that contribute to the attainment of Goal II of the Strategic Plan. For a complete listing, please consult in the the course offerings of the departments and interdisciplinary programs listed below.
Art History | American Studies | Anthropology | Asian Studies Program | Classics | Dance | Economics | English | Gender Studies | History | Intergroup Dialogue Program | International Affairs Program | Latin American & Latinx Studies Program | Management and Business | Music | Philosophy | Political Science | Psychology | Religion | Sociology | Theater | World Languanges and Literatures
Art History
AH 202 Asian Places and Spaces
AH 203 Native American Art
AH 206 The Arts of South Asia
AH 207 African Art
AH 209 Islamic Art
AH 310 The Arts of Nigeria
AH 369 Women in the Visual Arts
American Studies
AM 231 Ethnic and Immigrant Experience
AM 236 Jazz: A Multicultural Expression
AM 260A Civil Rights in Twentieth-Century United States
AM 260J Diversity in the United States
AM 331 Critical Whiteness in the U.S.
AM 342 Black Feminist Thoughts
AM 363 Women in American Culture
AN 205 Mesoamerican Archaeology
AN 207 North American Archaeology
AN 227 Sub-Saharan Africa from a Cultural Perspective
AN 229 Mexican Cultures
AN 231 Ethnic and Immigrant Experience
AN 244 Indigenous Cultures of Latin America
Asian Studies
AS 111 Elementary Sanskrit
AS 210 Intermediate Sanskrit
AS 251 Special Topics in Asian Studies
And other cross-listed courses such as AH 207 African Art, AN 229 Mexican Cultures,
HI 241 Introduction to Imperial China and HI 247 The Rise of Japan.
CG 110 Elementary Greek
CG 210 Intermediate Greek
CL 110 Elementary Latin
CL 210 Intermediate Latin
DA 214 Classical Dance of India
EC 319 Economics of Income Distribution and Poverty
EC 334 International Political Economy
EC 351 Gender in the Economy
EN 208 Language and Gender
EN 223 Women and Literature
EN 231 Non-Western Literature
EN 327 Special Studies in African-American Literature
EN 338 Queer Fictions
EN 360 Women Writers
EN 365 Special Studies in Jewish Literature
Gender Studies
GW 210 Ecofeminism, Women, and the Environment
GW 212 Women In Italian Society: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
GW 227 Holding up Half the Sky: Gender, Writing, and Nationhood in China
GW 311 Queer Theory
And other cross-listed courses
HF 273 Sex, Gender, and Civic Engagement
HI 111 Latin American History: An Introduction
HI 142 Introduction to Modern China
HI 225 Thinking about Race and Ethnicity: “Race” in America
HI 228 Race, Class, and Gender in Latin America
HI 229 War and Peace in 20th Century Latin America
HI 241 Introduction to Imperial China
HI 247 The Rise of Japan
HI 261 African-American History
HI 347 Japan’s Modernizers: Samurai, Weavers, Writers, and Prostitutes
Intergroup Dialogue Program
IG 201A Intergroup/Intragroup Race Dialogues: People of Color/White People
IG 201B Intergroup/Intragroup Race Dialogues: Multiracial Identity
IG 201C Intergroup/Intragroup Race Dialogues: White Racial Identity
IG 361 Racial Identities: Theory and Praxis
IG 364 Practicum in Facilitating
IG 365 Dialogue Facilitation
For other cross-listed courses, please see description of the Intergroup Relations
International Affairs
IA 101 Introduction to International Affairs
Also cross-listed courses such as GO 209 The Latin American Puzzle, FL 322 The French
Film, EC 334 International Political Economy
Latin American & Latinx Studies
LA 251 Topics in Latin American Studies
LA 377 Colloquium in Latin American Studies
And other cross-listed courses
Management and Business
MB 336H Diversity and Discrimination in the American Workplace
MB 345 Global Financial Management
MB 359 Global Financial Institutions
MU 208 Music and Culture
MU 306 History of Jazz in America
MU 309 Music In South Asia
MU 310 Music and Culture of East Asia
PH 215 Buddhist Philosophy
PR 214 Philosophies of India
PR 325 Japanese Buddhism
Political Science
GO 209 The Latin American Puzzle
GO 224 American Indian Politics and Policy
GO 239 Nationalism and Politics in the Middle East
GO 240 Political Modernization: The Case of India
GO 309 Latin America and the United States
GO 314 Civil Liberties
GO 355 African Politics
GO 357 Sexing Global Politics: Gender and International Relations
PS 331 Psychology of Women
PS 332 Seminar in Cross-Cultural Psychology
Religious Studies
RE 201 Hebrew Scriptures
RE 205 Women, Religion, and Spirituality
RE 213 Religious Traditions of India
RE 215 Islam
RE 220 Encountering the Goddess in India
SO 203 Femininities and Masculinities
SO 204 Introduction to Race, Class, and Gender
SO 219 Race and Power
SO 225 Quantifying Women
SO 305 Sociology of Folklore
SO 306 Sociology of Religion
SO 316 Women in Modern Society
SO 328 Social Movements and Collective Action
TH 229 Theater and Culture
TH 338 Black Theatre
TH 339 Community-Based Theater
World Languages and Literatures
All levels of language courses from beginning to advanced in Chinese, French, German,
Italian, Japanese, Spanish. Culture, film and literature courses include:
FC 302 Modern China
FL 244 View China: Visual, Cultural and Transnational Cinema
FL 258 Chinese Civilization
FL 246 Fictional and Factual: History and the Novel in China
FF 223 Introduction to Issues in the Francophone World
FF 225 Painters and Writers
FF 309 Fiction and Identity in Quebec
FF 317 French Narrative Prose
FL 322 The French Film
FI 211 Masterpieces of Italian Literature
FI 310 Il Renascimento Italiano
FL 250 Italian Cinema: from Fiction to Film
FL 253 Italian Civilization in Translation
FG 216 Contemporary German Culture
FG 356 German Literature of the Twentieth Century
FL 249 Image of the Enemy in German Film
FJ 311 Contemporary Japan
FL 242 Modern Japanese Literature in Translation
FL 243 The World of Japanese Animation
FS 212 Survey of Spanish American Literature
FS 317 Spanish Literature of the 20th Century
FS 321 Studies in Spanish-American Drama
FS 324 Spanish Film
FS 330 The Spanish American Essay
FL 265 Latinos in the United States