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Skidmore College
Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


November 3, 2006
Gannett Auditorium

I. Approval of Minutes - October 6, 2006

II. President’s Report – Philip A. Glotzbach

I. Campus Campaign Committee - Jeff Segrave, Ralph Ciancio and Monica Minor

III. Vice President for Academic Affairs Report

I. Susan Kress – Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs
II. Muriel Poston – Dean of the Faculty

IV. Reports

FEC – Dan Curley 

I. Update on Faculty Handbook
II. Committee Elections:

V. New Business

I. CEPP – Beau Breslin – Motion – Tenure Track Lines in ID Programs
II. CAPT- John Berman – Motion – Tenure Track Lines 

VI. Announcements

I. Stephen Murray – “100 Projects for Peace” Program
II. Sharon Arpey - Invitation to Community Reception in
Dana Atrium on behalf of Special Programs