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Skidmore College
Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


November 1, 2013
Gannett Auditorium


     I.   Approval of Minutes - October 4, 2013

    II.   Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs' Report - Beau Breslin

   III.  Old Business

•&Բ;Committee on Educational Policies and Planning – Peter von Allmen

•&Բ;Update on Review of General Education Requirements

•&Բ;Faculty Executive Committee – Joerg Bibow

•&Բ;MOTION – Faculty Responsibilities

 IV.  New Business

   V. Committee of the Whole

•&Բ;Proposed Language for Faculty Handbook, Part One, Section VI, Evaluative Criteria for Continued Service and Advancement in Rank

 VI. Announcements