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Skidmore College
Health and Human Physiological Sciences

Student research group

Senior Thesis Research

Spring 2009

Exercise Prescription for the Elderly: Maximizing Compliance in a Low-Intensity Exercise Program.
Presented by: Samantha Bentley and Alyssa Ingegni
Advisor: Professor Crystal Moore, Social Work

Pre-Cooling and Endurance Running Performance
Presented by: Jennifer Piepenbrink and Elizabeth Holson
Advisor: Professor Molly Winke

Just When You Thought You Knew Everything: An Assessment of skidmore College Students Knowledge of Nutrition
Presented by: Megan Weagley
Advisor: Jennifer Burden, health Promotions

Protein Kinase B/FOXO Signaling Pathway in Skeletal Muscle: Effects of Age and Muscle Fiber type
Presented by: Alicia Brown
Advisor: Professor T. H. Reynolds

The Effects of Training Status in Modulating the Effects of Heat Stress on Endothelial Function and Arterial Stiffness Following Firefighting Activity.
Presented by: Rebecca Oring, Evan Pasha and Brian Perrier
Advisors: Professors Denise Smith and Pat Fehling

The Effect of Heat Stress Exercise on Autonomic Nervous System Function in Aerobically and Strength Trained Male Firefighters Following Firefighting Activity.
Presented by: Marlee Colligan and Jacquelyn Liebig
Advisors: Professors Denise Smith and Pat Fehling