Faculty-Staff Achievements
Paul Arciero, professor of health and human physiological sciences was quoted in a article about the benefits of a 20-minute daily walk may improve heart health in those with high CVD risk.
David Domozych, professor of biology, and Josephine LoRicco, post-doctoral researcher in the Biology Department, published a paper in titled, “The Extracellular Matrix of Green algae.”
Jordana Dym, professor of history, co-organized a pre-meeting workshop, "Difficult Conversations in the Liberal Arts Classroom," and participated in a roundtable about teaching history with maps at the American Historical Organization annual meeting in San Francisco.
Ruth M. McAdams, senior teaching professor of English, published an article in a special issue of about Victorianist activism. The article reads anti-union discourse in Charles Dickens' "Hard Times," comparing it to Skidmore College administration's response to the non-tenure-track faculty unionization campaign.
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