Strategic Planning Process Next Steps and Timeline
Dear Skidmore Community,
‌‌I write to share an update on our Strategic Planning process, including the next steps and timelines for completing the next Strategic Plan this fiscal year. One of our major input steps, the call for white papers that suggest proposals, projects, and goals for the College, just concluded last week with resounding success: We received 78 individual and group white paper submissions! I am so proud of and grateful to our entire community for this robust effort — during such a busy time, everyone really answered the call and offered their thoughtful input to this important process.
‌As you’re aware, we have formed five major themes of the next Strategic Plan, with the following campus leaders designated as the “content experts” for each:
- ‌The Residential Student Experience: Adrian Bautista, dean of students and VP for student affairs, and Josh Maxwell, SGA
president, co-chairs, Subcommittee on Student Affairs
‌Creativity and Academic Excellence: Dorothy Mosby, dean of faculty and VP for academic affairs - Sustainability:
- Financial Sustainability: Dan Konstalid, VP for finance and administration, IPPC Subcommittee on Budget and Finance
- ‌Environmental Sustainability: Tarah Rowse, director of sustainability programs and assessment, and Kurt Smemo, associate professor of environmental studies and faculty director of sustainability, Campus Sustainability Subcommittee
- ‌Increasing the Endowment for Need-Based Financial Aid: Jess Ricker, VP for enrollment and dean of admissions, and Carey Anne Zucca, Collyer VP for advancement
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Joshua Woodfork, VP for strategic planning and institutional diversity and Masako Inamoto, associate professor of Japanese, co-chairs, Committee on Intercultural and Global Understanding (CIGU)
‌Our period of gathering input on these themes from all our constituencies is now drawing to a close, and we seek to share back with our community the expansive input that has come in, as well as shape that feedback into cogent and exciting recommendations for consideration in the eventual final Strategic Plan for Skidmore, 2025-2030. This process follows two guiding principles: ‌
- ‌Seeking and gathering a wide and highly representative array of feedback from all our constituencies — staff, faculty, students, Board members, President’s Cabinet, Extended Cabinet, Institutional Policy and Planning Committee (IPPC), and more.
- ‌Respecting the knowledge and leadership of our content experts — those individuals at the College who are leading the outreach and feedback process in their own areas of professional expertise — and seeking their shaping guidance on the wide array of inputs.
‌Consequently, we have developed the following steps and dates to guide this next stage of the work:&˛Ô˛ú˛ő±č;‌
- Prior to the Dec. 6 staff and faculty meetings, each‌ person leading one of the “themes” of the developing Strategic Plan will review all the inputs and feedback in their area and produce a summarizing memo.
- Prior to the Dec. 6 meetings,‌ the summarizing memo will be shared with me, Joshua Woodfork (chair of the Strategic Planning process), and Smriti Tiwari (associate professor of economics and vice-chair of Strategic Planning). We have asked the individuals to be sure the memo also includes an explanation of the processes used to gather input and construct the summary.
- At the Dec. 6 IPPC, staff, and faculty meetings, each content expert will present a concise oral report to the audiences on the main threads, themes, and any specific items of feedback they think are especially promising and/or important for consideration in the next Strategic Plan. This will include suggestions about what to de-emphasize or sunset at the College, as well as an explanation of the processes used to gather input and construct the report.
- Following the Dec. 6 meetings, each context expert will prepare from that summary memo a set of recommendations (anywhere from 3-7 recommendations) that they want to favor for consideration in the Strategic Plan.  This will include an explanation of the process to move from the array of inputs to these specific recommendations. They will share these recommendations with me, Joshua, and Smriti through in-person, half-hour presentations/discussions during the week of Dec. 10.
- From all this rich and varied material — the summary memo, the Dec. 6 presentations, the recommendations, and the discussion about the recommendations — as well as from all the other Strategic Planning inputs ranging from the Campus Master Plan to the Visions and Values Project to all the notes and summaries from various forums and meetings over the past 15 months and more — I will work to construct a draft of the next Strategic Plan between Dec. 13 and Jan. 17. I can then share this working draft with Joshua and Smriti, President’s Cabinet, and IPPC, and eventually with the entire campus community by or before Feb. 7. That date will allow me to revise any parts of it based on this community feedback prior to presenting the draft to the Board of Trustees at the February Board meetings. Following the Board’s review, we will have the Board feedback to incorporate — and of course the Board will be particularly focused on ensuring our goals align with our resources; and additional revision and community-sharing through late February and early March, with a final version of the Plan ready for the Board to approve at their May meetings.
‌In summary, we are moving from broad-based, inclusive community input to a sharpening of that input from the content experts on our campus. From this material and process I will share with the campus a draft Plan in early February, from which we will continue the dynamic of input, feedback, revision, and further sharing as we move the Plan to its final version for the Board to consider in the spring.
‌Of course, if anyone has questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me, Joshua, and Smriti. I continue to hold office hours specific to the Strategic Planning work and I am always available to discuss any aspect of this project. I am grateful to Joshua and Smriti, to the Cabinet, to IPPC, and indeed to everyone who has participated in this work.
‌This is a huge collaborative effort, and if we consider the Campus Master Plan, the Visions and Values project, and the Middle States accreditation work, there have been literally hundreds of contributors to our Strategic Planning process over the past three years. It’s exciting to be closing in on the culmination of that work.
‌‌All best,
‌Marc C. Conner