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Skidmore College

December Staff Meeting recap

December 9, 2024

Skidmore College administrators updated staff on Strategic Planning efforts, highlighted workshop offerings, and wished all a happy holiday season at the Dec. 6 staff meeting. 

Human Resources updates 

Julie Delay, chief human resources officer, introduced four new staff members and announced upcoming professional development workshops

  • Rescheduled due to weather: 
    • Managing the Wave of Change — now Thursday, Dec. 12 (for supervisors) 
    • The Wave of Change — now Wednesday, Jan. 15 
  • Creating a Healthy Work Culture — Wednesday, Jan. 29 

Strategic Planning reports 

Strategic Planning has transitioned to its next stage: sharing collected input back with the community and shaping it into recommendations for the Strategic Plan 2025-2030.  

During the December meeting, leaders of each Strategic Planning “theme” shared a report summarizing suggestions collected during the feedback-gathering stage of the Strategic Planning process. 

Vice President for Strategic Planning and Institutional Diversity Joshua Woodfork, Associate Professor of Japanese Masako Inamoto, and Director of the Wyckoff Center Mariel Martin spoke about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Feedback, which has been underway as far back as 2019, touched on a number of themes, including: enhancing accessibility and disability access, infrastructure, and inclusion; expanding DEI focus areas (e.g., international students, socioeconomic class, indigeneity); broadening transparency, refining communication and language; improving inclusive campus culture and climate efforts; increasing training and accountability in DEI learning (especially for staff and faculty); and strengthening recruitment and retention of students, faculty, and staff (especially individuals of color). 

Director of Sustainability Programs and Assessment Tarah Rowse and Associate Professor and Director of Environmental Studies and Sciences Kurt Smemo spoke about Environmental Sustainability. Suggestions received touched on the need to advance climate action through decarbonization and reducing fossil fuel reliance; integrate sustainability literacy into academic programs; increase visibility of sustainability initiatives to build awareness and engagement; and focus on applied sustainability projects as learning opportunities for students. 

Vice President for Finance and Administration Daniel Konstalid spoke about Financial Sustainability. Some themes he discussed included exploring alternative revenue streams and growing the endowment; identifying cost-saving measures, such as streamlining operations and restructuring departments; using energy production as a revenue strategy and expanding geothermal and solar energy infrastructure; and considering ways to achieve savings in the instructional realm and through curricular modifications. 

Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs Adrian Bautista spoke about several themes related to the Residential Student Experience including investing in residence hall improvements and new community spaces; supporting holistic student development with programs for life skills, career readiness, and mental health; fostering a greater sense of belonging, inclusivity, and school spirit across campus; and maximizing co-curricular experiences and enhancing peer leadership opportunities. 

Vice President for Enrollment and Dean of Admissions Jess Ricker discussed recommendations on Increasing the Endowment for Need-based Financial Aid. Some themes under consideration include framing endowment fundraising as integral to Skidmore’s mission of accessibility and equity of opportunity; aiding recruitment and retention; engaging alumni and parent donors with personalized appeals, emphasizing the impact of giving; leveraging Skidmore’s brand identity and strengthening storytelling to emphasize the impact of financial aid on the lives of students. 

Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dorothy Mosby spoke about suggestions on how to foster Creativity and Academic Excellence. Some suggestions under consideration include promoting interdisciplinarity and collaboration across academic disciplines; expanding high impact, student-centered experiential learning  opportunities; modernizing campus infrastructure and classroom spaces; deepening commitment to DEI; and enhancing career readiness and skill-building programs. 

Each group’s findings and recommendations will inform the Strategic Plan 2025-2030, which President Marc C. Conner will develop in early 2025. In February, a preliminary draft will be shared with the Board of Trustees, who will approve a finalized plan at their May meeting.  For more information about this timeline, see the email sent Nov. 25

President Conner’s closing remarks 

President Conner reflected on the progress of Strategic Planning, recognizing its role in defining Skidmore’s future. He reiterated the College’s strengths as a top-tier liberal arts institution and its unique combination of arts, sciences, and pre-professional programs.  

The president concluded with warm wishes for peace, joy, and goodwill during the holiday season. 

The next staff meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 7, 2025.