Schedule Appointment
There are several ways to schedule an appointment in Health Services:
Please refer to the Okta verify instructions for assistance with difficulty accessing the health portal.
1) Self-schedule online:
- For students feeling sick or with a more immediate health concern
- Limited number of appointments each day for self-scheduling through your health portal (We are trying out this new feature and hope to expand self-scheduling soon)
- Appointments will become available on Friday evenings for the following business week
- Step-by-step instructions:
- Login to
- Go to "Appt. Scheduling"
- Choose "Schedule Appt."
- Follow prompts to search for an appointment
- If no self-scheduled visits available, appointments may still be available by submitting an appointment request (see below)
- If appointment is no longer needed, please cancel so the appointment can be used by another student
2) Submit an appointment request:
- For students with an injury, illness or symptoms, or to speak with a nurse
- Step-by-step instructions to submit an appointment request through your health portal:
- Login to
- Go to "My Forms"
- Select "Sick Appointment Request" form, complete form and submit
- Nurse will review the information and contact you to discuss symptoms and schedule appropriately
- If the concern is time sensitive and you do not receive a call back within 2 hours, please call to follow-up
3) Call Health Services:
- To schedule routine visits, including physical exams, immunizations or birth control, or if you have questions or would like assistance, call 518-580-5550.