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Skidmore College
Health and Human Physiological Sciences

Senior Thesis Research

HES Thesis project

spring 2023

Abstract for Adaptations in Cardiovascular Health in Response to a 2-Week Exercise Microcycle

Presenters: Anna Churchill, Riley Correll, Olivia Furlong 
Advisors: Dr. Stephen Ives and Dr. Justin DeBlauw 

Changes in Firefighter Cardiorespiratory Fitness (CRF) Following COVID-19

Presenters: Chanhtel Thongphok and Alex Frost 
Dr. Denise Smith and Dr. Susanne D’Isabel

Dietary-Induced Obesity and Gluconeogenic
Gene Expression in Mice

Presenter: Kelly Healey 
Dr. T.H. Reynolds

Physiological Predictors of Performance Adaptations in a 2-week Exercise Microcycle

Presenters: Lauren M. Greaves, Meghan Robertson, and Owen Kumasaka 
Dr. Justin A. DeBlauw

Tracking Periodized Dance Exposure with Accelerometry Among  Advanced Liberal Arts College Modern Dancers

Presenters: Jasmine Karaul and Francesca Griffin
Dr. Stephen Ives