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Skidmore College
Psychology Department

Research Opportunities at Skidmore

The Psychology Department is located on the first and third floors of Tisch Learning Center (TLC). Many of our psychology and neuroscience labs are located in TLC; however, these labs are not immediately obvious because they are tucked away and "off the beaten track" of most campus tours.

In all, the research facilities include three teaching and research laboratory spaces along with 15 individual faculty laboratories. These facilities support numerous courses (by way of lab experiences) as well as faculty/student research projects. This brief list of the kinds of labs gives a sense of the wide range of research represented by the department. Our research and teaching facilities include an animal lab, two perception labs, a psycholinguistics lab, a social psychology lab, two developmental labs, a clinical lab, both a cognitive and a cognitive neuroscience lab, and additional research and teaching labs for such courses as Social Psychology, Research Methods, Hormones & Behavior, and Introduction to Neuroscience. Students interested in learning more about these research facilities are welcome to schedule a tour of the specific lab areas.

These research facilities include Biopac systems for testing hypotheses that involve measuring responses such as EEG, galvanic skin resistance, and reaction time, as well as eye-tracking systems and other tools for investigating perceptual action and vision systems. Computer-based testing rooms allow for students enrolled in lab-based courses to collect data for lab assignments and also support more advanced independent research projects and senior thesis work. Computer workstations with specialized software (such as E-prime and SuperLab) for the development of experiments as well as  data analyses (e.g., SPSS, JMP, and R) are available for student use as well.

Research Opportunities

The department offers students a number of opportunities for research participation. In addition to independent research courses (PS 275, PS 373) and senior theses (PS 375, PS 376), students may be able to secure one of the college's student/faculty collaborative research fellowships offered each summer. These fellowships allow the student to work with a faculty collaborator on a research project during the summer. Students receive a stipend and free room and board. The application deadline for this fellowship program is typically in mid-February. Contact the Associate Dean of the Faculty for further information. 

PS 101 Students—Research Participation

To fulfill the research-participation component of PS 101, go to .

Research Opportunities Beyond Skidmore

There exist many opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate research in psychology. Explore some of the options below: