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Skidmore College
Religious Studies Department

Student Learning Goals

Below are the departmental learning goals mapped to College-wide goals for student learning.

Student learning goals:

  • Students will be able todescribe religious traditions accurately (i.e. without the distortion that comes from romanticization or vilification). (Ia, Ib, IIIb)
  • Critically understand, evaluate, and interpret the imbrication of discourses of religion with other vectors of social/political power, including but not limited to race, gender, sexuality, class, colonialism, and nation. (Ib, IId, IIIb, IIIc)
  • Students will be able to use theories and methods in the study of religion in a sophisticated way, so that they can employ an appropriate theory or thinkerā€™s work to advance an argument or illuminate data (i.e. where sophistication is reflected in the ability to select the right tool for the task).  (Ic, IIa)
  • To have familiarity with theoretical concepts in the study of religion sufficient to recognize the limits and strengths of particular theorists or theoretical lenses. (Ic, IIb)

Information literacy

  • Be able to find relevant and reliable sources of information, assess their value/accuracy/relevance, and effectively use that information. (IIb, IIIc)
  • Responsibly cite sources in written and oral communication. (IIc, IVb)
  • Understand that research is inquiry and evolves by drafting a realistic research plan and timeline, developing questions, testing theses, and revising as needed. (IIa, IIb)

Visual literacy

  • Look in a sustained way so as to carefully describe a religious image/object, noting formal qualities distinct from content. (Ia, Ib)
  • Situate a religious image /object in its historical context, distinguishing between sacred presence and religious representation. (Ia, Ib)
  • Drawing on the preceding skills, interpret or analyze the reception and/or circulation of religious images/objects, attending to how meanings change across contexts. (Ib, IIa)

Technological literacy 

  • Effectively select and use tools necessary to:
    • manage and produce research in religious studies (project management, file management, data collection and analysis) (IIIc)
    • produce complex, professional documents that communicate results of that research and analysis (word processors, citation software) (IIIc)
    • engage in public communication to disseminate the results of research and analysis (presentation software, blogging, microblogging/social media) (IIIc, IIId)

Effective oral communication

  • Participate in and lead discussion, cogently expressing oneā€™s ideas, responding to others respectfully and effectively, and posing generative questions that guide discussion as it unfolds. (IIc, IId, IVb)
  • Prepare and deliver organized and compelling oral presentations using effective delivery techniques. (IIc, IIIc)

Effective written communication

  • Be able to sustain a complex, nuanced argument in a long-form written format. (IIa, IIb, IIc)
  • Contribute to knowledge creation by gathering evidence from primary and secondary sources to construct arguments and test hypotheses, synthesizing new and prior information into a written essay. (IIa, IIb, IIe)