Dates and Deadlines
We are currently working with campus partners to update the exact dates and upcoming deadlines, please check back later on this spring.
Updated: 12/13/24
You should receive an email from Admissions with your Skidmore Account creation information and instructions to set up your Skidmore Account. The username and password you create through this process will be your universal login information for most Skidmore apps.
If you did not receive instructions after your deposit was processed, please email the Admissions office.
By setting up your Skidmore Account, you set up your Skidmore email. It is your username plus and the password you created. Access your email through the Microsoft Outlook App on your Skidmore Account homescreen.
FYI from FYE Newsletter
In June, July, and August, our “FYI from FYE” newsletter will be automatically sent to first-year students' Skidmore email addresses with important updates regarding pre-arrival tasks, dates, and deadlines. While students are responsible for their own onboarding, we also offer the option for families and other supporters to sign up.